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Guys Maybe Next Year Of 2018 Around September I Might Be Making A Doj RP, A WWII Rp, A Jedi Vs Sith/Clone Wars, And If I Make Community Funds a Insurgency Sandstorm Server, And Maybe A GTA V RP Server... I MIght Do This If I Make Enough Money To Support Are Community If I Do I Will Need $10 Donations Periodically And To Have All Staff Helping On It.Stay On The DIscord To Stay Tuned On Are Servers And I Might Do A Game Give Away For 100 Members Of  Firefuse Make Sure To Invite Your Friends. Plz Put Down Suggestions Of Games You Want! I Will Be Putting Down The Collections ON Steam For The Addons For The Servers That Might Come Out on #welcome On The Discord (First Channel). 

Im Going To Pay A Deve. To Get The Job Done
Im Going To Pay For This Website You Are On
And ETC.

And Make Sure You Register In The Fourms

And As Always 
             Firefuse Owner

Imperial RP Rules

  1. The most important rule, execute dignity and decency when talking to people. Respect all of your fellow players and staff. Common sense can be defined as the thought of questioning a decision before making it.
  2. All voice must be in character (IC), this excludes discord.

  3. No advertisement of other servers in any form.

  4. Content containing nudity is not allowed.

  5. Spawn camping is not allowed.

  6. Hacking, duplicating, or any other forms of exploiting the game are strictly prohibited.

  7. Racism, slurs of any kind and disrespect of any form is strictly prohibited. This includes impersonating staff.

  8. Do not impersonate any member of staff.

  9. No ship ramming (colliding with another or a player.). No kamikazing.

  10. No trolling or griefing. Griefing is destroying or making unwanted changes to someone else’s items, buildings or persons.


JvS Rules


Event Rules

  1. Events are always within RP, anything done within an event may be taken into character.

  2. Events are not a source of HnS, attempt to Roleplay within them. Treat them as a storyline.

  3. A GameMaster holds the right to cancel or end an event at anytime if he deem necessary from: player maturity, number of participants, interrupting player’s experience.

Lightsaber Rules

  1. Sith & Jedi may use any lightsaber. This can be overruled by faction and sub faction leaders.

  2. You may be punished in-character for using the wrong color(s) as set by council members.

Raiding Spawn Planets

  1. You must have a reason to raid the planet and 4+ participants. A reason for example would be: To rescue a stolen faction member, steal holocrons etc.

  2. An admin is not required to oversee a raid, but should be advised upon raiding to avoid issues of RDM/Spawn camping.

General Rules:

  1. New Life Rule lasts 5 minutes. NLR is defined as a new life, you are not allowed to know how you died or who killed you. You may not return to the area of death until NLR has ended.

  2. As the name says the Jedi and Sith are not to work together, but they are allowed to enter treaties under super admin permission.

  3. Team Killing is not allowed unless it done in Roleplay & approved by staff. A Roleplay example is, he has betrayed the code of said faction and must be executed.

  4. You may not harass, insult, bully, tease or flaming other players.

  5. No flaming in OOC, take a minute to cool down or staff will be forced to kick you.

  6. Spamming is not allowed. This includes voice, text and prop spamming.

  7. If a HNS (Hack and Slash) battle in ensuing, you may not use /me's or to take control. Vice Versa.

  8. Fail Roleplay will result in your character being reset or banned.

  9. Minging is not allowed. Minging is defined as: trolling, being immature or purposely trying to aggravate another player without an RP reason.

  10. Metagame is not allowed. You may not use the information from outside source to influence your RP decisions. For example you may not use teamspeak to inform another about something that happened in RP.

  11. Planet jumping is not allowed. This includes. but is not limited to using a force abilities.

  12. Glitches and bugs are to be reported and not abused.

  13. You may not transfer credits to your other characters.

  14. You may not transfer items to your other characters.

  15. You may not know your other characters in RP (Family, Friends, etc)

  16. You may not use roleplay to confine someone, you must use hand cuffs to do so, if you wish for them to not run, then you must use leashes.
  17. If a HNS (Hack and Slash) battle in ensuing, you may not use Handcuffs take control.